¥ SoundSet is a small FKEY that sets up a dialog and lets you quickly set the sound volume, either with the mouse or with the keyboard. Typing 0-7 will set the sound volume accordingly; typing Return, Enter, Esc or Backspace will leave it where it is. If the Caps Lock key is down, the dialog doesn't pop up and the sound volume is directly set to 0. After the sound volume has been changed, the standard beep will be played at the new volume.
¥ There are four files in the SoundSet folder:
× SoundSet Installer: You can use this application to install SoundSet into your System file. Note: since playing with the System file is strongly discouraged by Apple, you may want to use ResEdit instead. I make no warranties on the installer, so use it at your own risk only.
× SoundSet Tester: see what SoundSet looks like without installing it.
× SoundSet FKEY: Use this file to install SoundSet with ResEdit.
× SoundSet docs: you're here already, so I guess you know what it isÉ
¥ The SoundSet FKEY is free. You may give it away to your friends, post it on BBS's or include it in any commercial & non-commercial stuff you can possibly think of, as long as this note and all other files are included and the FKEY is not modified. If you really like it, send me a postcard. You may include suggestions or bug reports if you want to.
¥ The SoundSet idea was suggested by Giuseppe Carlino. When he asked if there was an FKEY to set the sound volume, I knew I had one somewhereÉ but I couldn't find it any more, so I just made up this one quickly (it took about the same time to write the FKEY and this document).
¥ Watch out for my other shareware utilities:
- ASYNC FAMILY: Make your beeps and sounds play in the background as you keep working.
- ERRDITOR: Powerful graphical editor for system startup & system error alerts.
- SHUTDOWN DELAY: Make your shutdown's and restart's safer and cancellable.
- RESUME TO FINDER: Stop restarting your Mac at every bomb that comes along.
- POWERCLICKS: Stop hating your PowerBook trackballÊor get your broken mouse back to work.
- TRAPPER: Take a close look at what's happening inside your Macintosh.
- B-PANEL: Add a message window to your system sound, or turn it off altogether.
- BLOOD: Have some fun with this messy, useless control panel.
- DBUGR: Break into MacsBug and get memory info with a mouse click.
¥ And for my AfterDarkª modules:
- FRACTALS (includes VIEWER and MOVER): images from the Mandelbrot set;
- VOICE WAKER: wake up your Mac with a voice command (or any other sound);